Saturday, August 3, 2013

Running Scared

A regular reader of ABG recently called to say he had received a phone call from Judith Beville, the Greenburgh Town Clerk. Her call was standard campaign faire and possibly an obligatory gesture on her part as pay back for her benefactor’s largess. Mr Feiner is her benefactor. He typically foots the bill for all candidates that run with him for election (or re-election) paying for mailings, lawn signs and the like from his campaign war chest of over $100+k. The fee for the lawsuit against his challenger for Town Supervisor candidate Robert Bernstein was invariably taken care of by Mr Feiner. Back to the phone call.

Our reader stated that he, a republican married to a democrat, answered the home phone when it rang. Ms Beville stated she was calling on behalf of the Greenburgh democrats running for Supervisor, the Town Clerk position and one Town Board seat. She talked about convicted felon and incumbent Councilwoman/Attorney Diana Juettner, but failed to mention Mr Sheehan who voted against Mr Feiner at least twice this year, creating a political wall that may not be passable for him at this point. It’s also our belief that Mr Sheehan will be “Sonya’d” and won’t be on the Town Board much longer even if he wins the race this time.

Ms Beville proceeded to bemoan Mr Bernstein and that he is not a very nice person, he is an attorney and has sued the Town and Mr Feiner numerous times. She didn’t mention that Mr Feiner invites lawsuits if someone doesn't like what he’s doing. She did mention Mr Feiner has always been the taxpayer’s “Problem Solver”. She didn’t mention that he usually creates most of the problems. She did mention that Mr Feiner was a very nice guy and has been Supervisor for the last 22 years. Being in office that long has yielded the Town a AAA Bond rating. She didn’t say the Town has never taken advantage of that bond rating or ever plans to utilize it.

She then asked her reader if she could count on our reader to vote for her, Mr Feiner and Ms Juettner for the democratic endorsement in the November primary. He responded after she explained why he and his spouse should vote for them in the primary with a chuckle. He told her he can’t vote because he is a registered Republican and voting, as she well knows, is only open to registered democrats. But, he assured her that while his spouse may vote for her, she will most surely not voting for Mr Feiner. She said she has been getting that same response from many of the democratic voters she has called and spoken with. Is it any wonder she is getting responses like that given the shenanigans, back-room deals, spot-zoning, illegal actions and so on geminating from that one corner office?

This coming democratic primary to be held on September 10 promises to be a close one in that Mr Feiner, a 22-year incumbent, has worn out his welcome with many residential and business residents. Mr Bernstein has certainly alienated some with his lawsuits against the Town. But, as we have stated previously, ABG has always believed that Mr Bernstein has always done what was in the best interest of the Town, while Mr Feiner has not. It is for that lone reason alone that we suggest you put aside your personal feelings of both candidates and evaluate them by their words and their actions. ABG has certainly written enough in the past five years to give much of the information rarely printed by the mainstream media and especially Mr Feiner. ABG believes the decision becomes an easy one to make in that context. ABG encourages all Democrats to participate in their Primary to pick a candidate for their party endorsement. You may just be helping to create A Better Greenburgh.

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