Thursday, August 8, 2013

Running Scared 2

There is a distinct interest in the Primary race for the Democratic Party endorsement. Depending with whom you ask, either opponent may seem to have the edge as the frontrunner. The reality of slowly unmasking Mr Feiner’s track record is happening daily and exposing him as the ungracious, scheming career politician he has evolved (perhaps de-volved) into. Somewhere, somehow, during his 22-year tenure, something snapped, changing him from the young, helpful politician into the grumpy, Tammany Hall-like insider. Twenty-two years ago there were many people who felt compelled to support him when he first took office. He was a breath of fresh air after a developing and maturing Greenburgh began to feel weighted under an aging Anthony Veteran.

In the beginning, Mr Feiner seemed like a viable and even welcomed choice – a breath of fresh air. Mr Veteran advanced his years in office and continued his agenda, whatever it was. People tired as he progressed but didn’t give them whatever they or their special interest group requested. The “young guy” studied the history and once he got into office, he used it to his advantage. While he is an incompetent leader and manager, he has mastered history and has been using it for the last 22 years to his advantage. Although, it appears we haven’t learned from history and are once again repeating it.

Robert “Bob” Bernstein, is an attorney, community leader, and family man from the Edgemont section of Greenburgh. He has earned a local reputation as a ethical person who puts his principles before politics. He is the challenger for the Town Supervisor position against Mr Feiner, touching on topical issues of the day involving the Town, our Town Board and others issues affecting Greenburgh taxpayers. He recently addressed a group of voters in the Worthington section of the Town after attending a four-hour church mass in another part of Town.

In his presentation to this group of neighbors provided insight toward his improving the operations of the Town government, a respect for residents and a more cooperative give-and-take between the two. He cited examples of mismanagement, arrogance and a willingness by Mr Feiner to repeatedly break the law. He pointed in the direction of the former Frank’s Nursery, stating that Mr Feiner refused an offer twice that of his preferred lowest bidder, with no strings attached. He further pointed out that there is still no action with that property. He discussed the WestHelp debacle that was started two years earlier by Mr Feiner by not renewing the WestHelp contract from the County guaranteeing the Town $1.2 million. He talked about flooding, revaluation, and our increasing rise in taxes. The list was almost endless but the audience remained engaged and rewarded with thoughtful, intelligent answers to their questions. If only the Town Board meetings were run the same way.

The Town has had 22-years of an abandoned constituency in the Unincorporated portion of the Town, a decaying infrastructure, bullying and abuse of employees, losses in court exceeding millions and millions of dollars and certiorari adjustments to businesses throughout the Town by Mr Feiner and his hand-picked cohorts. It’s time for the residents of Greenburgh to get something better. This September 10, is the Democratic Primary for Greenburgh. ABG encourages all Democrats to study the topics affecting the Town and make an informed decision by participating in the Primary process. Your vote can make a difference and lead us toward a Better Greenburgh.

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