Thursday, July 29, 2021

Unnecessary Law Averted... For Now

Appeasement is a difficult game to play, although Mr Feiner always seems eager to jump into that fray. His apparent knee-jerk reaction typically belies levelheaded thought and evaluation. And once again he has not failed to disappoint. Recently, a number of ecologically minded extremists approached him about all the noise caused by leaf blowers specifically being used by landscapers and other horticultural professionals. They even went so far as to complain that residential usage was a problem!

In the course of a normal fair weather week, we can hear leaf blowers being used, sometimes right next door and other times a block or so away. While the sound inconvenience is not too disturbing, we prefer it over the music and partying that takes place until 3am and that ever-present boom-boom-boom bass. But it must all somehow relate to perspective. We’ve also complained to Mr Feiner about speeding on our street as have others only to be ignored. And yet, here’s a problem that the self-proclaimed “problem solver” can actually do something about by picking up the phone and calling Police Chief McNerney and asking him to commit a few cops to traffic control to address speeding. Done. But, as a lame-duck who just won another primary, he’s content to write off the residents who complain about speeding on Town roadways for yet another unproductive term in office.

While we agreed with the apathetic few who voted in the Democrat primary, Tasha Young was not the right choice. Then again, many said they had to hold their nose to even consider voting for Mr Feiner, ultimately voting for the devil you know or the one you don’t. What a sad state of affairs when the only choices we have, given roughly 90,000 residents, are Paul Feiner and Tasha Young! And, where are the Republicans or Independents or any others and why aren’t they stepping up? According to Westchester County Republican Chair Douglas Colety, the Republican Party has written off the Town of Greenburgh. From their viewpoint, a Republican can’t win and they don’t want to expend Republican resources for an unwinnable race. Tim Hays, the Greenburgh Republican Chairman, who has admitted he likes the Democrat Supervisor, even accepted a position on the Town’s feckless Board of Ethics, ensuring at least one favorable vote should Mr Feiner or his Board members require it. It’s not that Mr Hays can’t know right from wrong. Rather, this Board, prior to Mr Hays involvement, has a history of non-decisions and ethically challenged decisions between right and wrong – always favoring the administration. And should they actually want to render a decision, it’s only a recommendation to the Town Board for them to ultimately impose judgement. Can you say fox in the hen house?

Lest anyone believe that all is well in Greenburgh, you only need to see our last two articles regarding the School District’s School Board fiasco. No, all is not well in Mudville in almost any direction you chose to cast a stone. But with his sense of pandering aside, Mr Feiner suggested a proposal that would allow leaf blower use for four days during certain hours, with an education component for landscapers and residents. He said it could be a one-year trial program. What this really translates to is that this is another unnecessary law being pushed by a group who have nothing else to complain about and creating a problem in search of a solution.
“I feel if we start with a compromise, it’s not going to be perfect, but we can work off that every year,” Feiner said at the May 25 Work Session. “Right now, I’m suggesting we have a draft that would be subject to a public hearing but I’m trying to figure out what could we do that where we might be able to at least make some progress where it’s better than now.”

So, the real issue is what’s wrong now that we need to improve it? Are all neighbors using leaf blowers at all hours of the day and night that would warrant this? Of course not. Are cars and trucks speeding down our streets? Of course they are. Are any laws being written to address that? Of course not. There are already existing speeding laws but the police choose not to enforce them. Just like there are sound and noise laws that they will not enforce. If a street has a sign that says No Commercial Vehicles Except Local Delivery, does that keep tractor trailers from driving through our neighborhoods? Of course not. Are we writing laws to stop them? You guessed it, the simple answer is no. Why? Because they already exist but are not enforced.

Mr Feiner has openly developed a sanctuary Town for just about anything someone may want to do. It’s okay to dump refuse wherever construction crews, landscapers or residents (even non-residents) want to because they know they will not be caught and prosecuted and the Town will eventually pick it up and dispose of it at our cost. No policing and no confidence. We have single family residential homes being routinely used as multi-family, costing us more in resources at every level. No policing and no enforcement. We have unchecked trucks driving through our residential neighborhoods and all kinds of unchecked motorcycle and automotive speeding in those same neighborhoods. No policing and no enforcement. We have developers purchasing every piece of available and/or buildable land throughout the Town and promise Workforce, Affordable, Senior and Assisted Living housing until it comes time for them to challenge the Zoning code requirements to achieve their goals, discarding our residents’ concerns and feelings only to have Mr Feiner side with the developer and ignore the Comprehensive Plan (more a political statement than a plan). You’ll recall that the roadshows that were held all heard different residents state they wanted more open and green space, less impervious space, bike and walking paths and smaller buildings. In effect, they wanted to maintain and preserve the suburban feel for our Town.

Mr Feiner and his failed policies may be enjoyed by some progressives who wish to live in an urban environment. Most do not. Most moved to Greenburgh because they wish to have green space, with or without leaf blowers, bike paths, walking paths, green and open space and be able to ride a bicycle without fear of being struck by a car or truck. Our Town needs to change. Only then will we get A Better Greenburgh.

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