Thursday, May 21, 2020

Edgemont Victorious Against Town For Referendum

The New York Supreme Court has ruled that the Edgemont Incorporation petition is legally valid and overruled Supervisor Feiner's decision to deny the petition. This is the second time that the Edgemont group has been forced to sue Mr Feiner, a Democrat, because he allowed his own prejudice to get in the way of making a simple decision: did their petition meet the rule of law standards? We believe it did.

The court ordered an election to be held within 40 days. However, this is the same thing that occurred over a year ago when Edgemont prevailed in the courts initially to subsequently lose on appeal by the Town. We are not alone believing that the Town will appeal the decision again. This is a strategy that worked for them before so we're sure, sadly, it will be done again.

While we wish to see the law upheld and support Edgemont's right of self-destiny, we are also concerned should the incorporation pass for several reasons. First, everyone against the incorporation has said that the canyon this will leave in the Town budget could be as much as $17 million dollars. Second, the Edgemont leadership has stated that they wish to contract services such as police, sanitation and highway maintenance with the Town. This would provide needed revenue and avoid the laying off of Town employees. Mr Feiner, Mr Jones, a Democrat, and possibly the rest of Mr Feiner's Board, all Democrats, have vehemently and repeatedly claimed that they have no desire to contract these services with them. This is an obvious and egregious display of a lack of concern for the rest of the Greenburgh Unincorporated residents!

Time will tell how this will all play out. We're unsure of what was different between the first and this latest petition submission and the court cases. All we know is that when Mr Feiner and his Board, all Democrats, try to restrict the public's exercising of law, it's time for them to go. Only then will we get A Better Greenburgh.


  1. Do you know who and when the last republican to run for Town Board was?

  2. Not sure if you meant vs Feiner. Those who challenged Feiner in Election years - Republicans - Stephanie Bellino in 1997, Bill Pohlmann in 1999, and Jim Lasser in 2003. Democrats - Bill Greenawalt in 2005, Suzanne Berger in 2007 and Lucas last year.

    1. I meant for Town Board. Has a republican run for town board in the last 30 years?
