Sunday, June 23, 2019

Democratic Primary, Not So Cut And Dry

The Democratic primary will be held on Tuesday. For a change, while not the actually election, there are some choices other than the tenured members of Club Democrat. Each candidate has produced the requisite position draft and the incumbents have touted their “accomplishments”. Fact or fiction? You’ll have to decide. Worth noting: there is an ethics complaint that’s been filed against incumbent candidate Councilman Ken Jones by Rodney Lederer-Plaskett, that relates to the Greenburgh Housing Authority(GHA), and Mr Jones’ participation while working for the law firm that represents the GHA, working as the Town Board liaison to the GHA, and that that same law firm, Bozeman Law firm of Mt Vernon, also sues the current residents and past residents of the GHA facilities!

Read the details of the complaint:
(if the link doesn't automatically take you to the document, copy and paste the link into your URL address field)
Read the details of the exhibits:
(if the link doesn't automatically take you to the document, copy and paste the link into your URL address field)

If that weren’t enough, new candidate Gina Jackson, recently returned from living in Atlanta Georgia, utilized the GBList (Town email list), violating court rulings established in the judgement in Livson v Town of Greenburgh. You may recall that Ms Livson took the Town to court after being refused the GBList from Mr Feiner and the Town Attorney. They stated it was confidential and didn’t want it used for political (really anti-Feiner) purposes. In short, Ms Livson was battling Mr Feiner and GameOn 365 and believed he was sending out false information to residents via the GBList and wanted to be able to present the other side to the many arguments and statements being made and the truth to residents. She won the court case with a determination that the list would not be used for political or commercial purposes.

Ms Jackson is on Team Feiner, which means the rules and laws don’t apply to her or them. We watched Mr Feiner disregard the law whenever he found it to be a nuisance or simply inconvenient. The GBList was used by her for political purposes several days ago to solicit campaign funds. That was wrong. But the beauty of being on Team Feiner is that there are enough Democrat District Attorneys and Judges that will not do anything about this. So even if someone were to hold her feet to the fire, nothing will come of it. She may have even asked (we doubt it) Mr Feiner about using it to which his reply would be to not worry about it, we’ll beg forgiveness. It’ll go no where. In fact, Ms Jackson sent out a second email utilizing the GBlist.

New candidate Eric Zinger appears to be the only candidate unencumbered by the politics of politics and appears to be the one honest candidate who has followed the letter of the law, played by all of the ridiculous rules designed to favor the incumbents and is doing this for the right reasons. In fact, when the Democrat Club shunned him as he sought a Town Board nomination, he went out on his own and got the required petition signatures necessary to qualify for a run in the primary anyway. This is the kind of drive that should impress voters of any party. 

At the end of the day, this election should be about what our Town Council is doing for all resident taxpayers and business taxpayers and not about special interests, returning favors and/or ignoring the laws. The current Town Board does what it wants with impunity and without regard to what the taxpayers want or need. Instead of complaining about President Trump or the federal government this or the state government that, we need to focus on not getting sued all the time and losing. We need a real Town Legal department that will guide the Town officials to make legally sound decisions and not because it’s something they want but because it’s the right thing to do. If we had new people filling these positions, not the same old, same old, year after year and not under Mr Feiner’s thumb and reliant on his campaign machinations, funds and GBList, maybe we’d see a change that the Town so desperately needs. It needs to start with this primary. It’s the only way to get A Better Greenburgh.

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