This week promises to be interesting if nothing else. This story has been updated.
First - Racism Alledged
Amid charges of racism, was a field trip by a fourth-grade class from the Bailey School that has been happening every year with the Solomon Schechter School to celebrate Purim. One definition we found online of Purim is: the jolly festival of Purim is celebrated every year on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar (late winter/early spring). Purim 2019 begins on Wednesday night, March 20, and continues through Thursday, March 21 (March 22 in Jerusalem). It commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day,” as recorded in the Megillah (book of Esther).
This year would prove no different as exposure to other religions, schools, and people seem to exemplify multi-culturalism. Here, a 12th grade Schechter student, part of the 12th grade class hosting the Purim event, face-painted a Bailey 4th grade student as the Marvel character Venom. An online search showed numerous depictions of what the character Venom might look like. The charge is not that the youngster was painted in black-face with red lips by one child to another. Rather, neighborhood activist Patricia Weems maintains that the teachers were derelict in properly supervising the children and that public school kids should not be going to a Jewish school and participating in a religious event. We don’t know if this was billed as a religious event or a festival that obliges the Schechter students to practice their faith while maintaining a carnival-like atmosphere for the younger kids?
Update: We discussed this issue again with Ms Weems and she clarified her position. Apparently there were too few teachers present and not properly supervising the kids. Ms Weems felt the Superintendent, Principal for RJ Bailey and the teacher supervising the event were at fault and should be held responsible. During our discussion, which lasted about an hour, we discussed this being a teachable moment and that we could effect a change with this type of event specifically. She maintained that the school personnel should know better.
Agree or disagree, there is a meeting tentatively set for Monday night, the 20that the RJ Bailey School on Hillside Avenue. Ms Weems requested Mr Feiner’s help. Mr Feiner should stay out of the Greenburgh School District’s business for three reasons: one, he offers no solutions; two, he was convicted of discrimination in the Fortress Bible Church case that we are still paying for; and three, he swept a discrimination complaint against Edye McCarthy under the table several years ago.
The Bailey school event will be held outdoors if Ms Weems is unable to secure permits to hold the meeting indoors.
Second - School Budget & Candidates
School Board elections and school budget elections are taking place this Tuesday, the 21stat the Woodlands High School. This election cycle is for the $70 million budget, not to be confused with the bond that was previously proposed and shot down in a two-to-one vote by taxpayers, and for three new School Board members. There are two incumbents running whom we believe are no longer performing to expected standards and should be replaced. Tenure, while unspoken but oft-practiced in Greenburgh is not serving the public well. It does, however, effectively make the case for term limits.
Then there is the lack of information coming in a timely fashion from the District. We received a brochure from the school district last week that has cursory information about the budget but does have all of the candidates pictures and bio included. We think this might be helpful to voters. However, we weren’t the only ones dismayed by the late arrival of this information. One reader, whom we'll refer to as Bob, wrote to School District Superintendent Chase and we quote:
“We received a letter from you today, Feb. 6, 2019, regarding the Greenburgh Central School District Public Vote. The date of your letter is January 23, 2019. Your letter outlines a schedule of Public Meetings regarding the 2019 Capital Project. The schedule dates are:
-Jan.24,Jan.29, Jan.31, Feb. 7
Clearly, the timing of your letter is not appropriately calibrated to sufficiently provide Taxpayers and Community Constituents with appropriate notice to attend these meetings. Your letter is dated the day before the first meeting! And, given realistic mailing times, it would be impossible to expect Taxpayers to receive your letter in a timely way to attend these meetings.
Would strongly suggest that you establish an additional series of these meeting, as well as discuss appropriate lead time planning for these types of communications with whoever is responsible for them. ” To which Dr
Chase replied:
“Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, our postal system has not been too kind to district mailings. Knowing this, we added additional meeting dates to ensure all community members have the opportunity to participate in at least one meeting. Please open the attachment. I hope you are able to join us for one of the meetings. ”
Really? The Post Office is at fault? This is akin to my dog ate my homework which would be unacceptable at every level by any teacher in any school. Why does Dr Chase feel this is an acceptable answer? It’s this type of cavalier attitude toward the taxpayers that make what’s being shoveled our way difficult to tolerate. Finally, Bob responded:
“Today, Friday May 17th, we received a newsletter from you and the Greenburgh School District that outlines details about the 2019/2020 School Year Budget and the vote for this budget on this coming Tuesday, May 21st.
It is unacceptable for constituents to receive information of this importance to our community with virtually no notice to review and comment on the details in advance of a vote.
This is not the first time that this has happened. In February, we wrote to you about virtually the same issue with respect to the Bond issue.
I can tell you from a "preliminary" review of the proposed budget today that we have multiple issues, and suggestions, about the composition of the budget and the positioning of the overall budget. Unfortunately, unless this vote is delayed, it is doubtful that you will receive the type of feedback and input from Greenburgh constituents that is appropriate.
I would like to understand why Greenburgh cannot send this vital information to voters / constituents in a more timely way (see below) so that appropriate consideration and diligence and review can be applied to this vital progress before we are asked to vote on one of the most important issues facing our community.
Thank you, ”
Third (Could be Part One-b) - More Racism Alledged
We are also sure that Town Clerk Judith Beville will be in attendance. She has contended that she is being pushed out of the Town Clerk’s position by the Town Board. In a recent meeting with Ms Beville, she told us that she is the victim of racism against her by the Board and specifically Town Councilman Francis Sheehan. While we are unable to corroborate her accusations, given the history within the Town administrations from Mr Feiner on down, we believe there could be something to what she is saying.
We have been critical of Ms Beville in the past as she sits on the Town Board work sessions and monthly meetings. Our criticism is that she constantly interrupts the proceedings with her own comments and opinions. Regardless of the validity, as the Town Clerk she is there to record the session, offer information when asked and work the ridiculous timer to keep residents from participating in their government meetings under three minutes. Since she is no longer on “Team Feiner”, it can only wonder what she did to force Mr Feiner to drop her from the ticket.
Being dropped from the Feiner ticket has happened before. We refer to it as being Sonya’d. For the uninitiated, Sonya Brown was a Town Board member originally supported by Paul Feiner until she stepped away from the Feiner reservation and was shunned while she completed her term and then tossed aside for Ken Jones in the subsequent election. So, no Board member is willing to give up the position simply by doing the right thing or going against Mr Feiner and risk being “Sonya’d”. Icing on the cake if you’re on “Team Feiner”: Mr Feiner pays for all campaign costs for candidates on his ticket with his campaign fund war chest.
Alfreda Williams, the former Town Clerk who was dropped by Mr Feiner for Ms Beville, went on as the hand-picked successor of Lois Bronz for County Legislator. While her effectiveness as County Legislator is unknown, Ms Williams performed adequately as the Town Clerk. Ms Beville touts a number of improvements that she’s initiated during her tenure. She claims many innovations, but while she stakes claim to expanding open government for example, Dial Democracy still doesn’t work (for years) under her control.
She also claimed that she has hired professional staff. Here’s where it gets a little dicey. She had to hire replacements because several in her office didn’t like working for her and either transferred or quit. That was one of the reasons Francis Sheehan got involved with her staff, ultimately giving someone from her office a different position within the Town administration in order to not lose her skill-set. And while this person remains in the Town’s employ, Ms Beville disclosed the employee’s medical information to the public at a Board meeting. All of the Town Board members and the Town Attorney were telling her to stop because she was violating HIPAA guidelines as well as personnel matters which should not be disclosed to the public.
There are other things happening but let’s kick back and see what shakes out with budgets, the School Board changes and the upcoming year. Next up, November elections. Please get out and vote on Tuesday, May 21st. It will make for A Better Greenburgh.