Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Election Day - Get Out and Vote

It's that time of year again. Exercise your right to vote and go to your polling area and vote.

We’ve all grown up learning that our founding fathers tried to craft a new government of the people, by the people and for the people. We’ve learned of new voters in other countries who have only recently achieved the right to vote and are going to great lengths to do so. For them, voting felt like a victory!

While many Americans take our right to vote for granted, others cherish it as a privilege and will vote come hell or high water. If you are one of those who find any of these reasons plausible, you may want to take a step back, take a deep breath and stop to realize what you are doing by not voting. Not voting doesn’t solve the problems listed above or even not listed. Not voting contributes to all of the illogical rationale listed above. Complacency is the ultimate gift to the politicos.

What’s sad is that Greenburgh has turned into a One-Trick-Pony, with a single party rule. So we’ll never experience creative and unique ideas, opposition and collaboration for policies and programs. What we will usually get are the same stale, monolithic, boring, rubber-stamped ideas that will not increase the Town’s quality of life, reduce the tax burden, create new and/or varied programs for everyone over special interest groups. Ultimately, as things decline, we’re promised to receive more of the same. Regardless, go vote. If you don't vote because you owe it to yourself, then do it for the rest of us.