Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Town Taxpayers Continue Losing

Mr Feiner won again and the Town lost. The upcoming elections that he will run in unopposed, will garner him 7k+ votes. Back in the driver's seat again, he'll do what he does at every Town Board meeting and adjorn to Executive Session when the public pushes too hard. Secretly, do the Town Board members give "high-fives" when they adjourn to Executive session? They seem to adjourn regularly into Executive session to address “personnel issues” and leave the audience to wonder what's transpiring in the back room. Amazingly, the one personnel issue they’ve never addressed is the appointed Tax Assessor’s racist remarks during a meeting with subordinates. If you haven’t read our previous post, here’s an excerpt of a complaint letter that arrived to ABG recounting racist remarks made by Tax Assessor Edye McCarthy. Warning: this may be offensive to many:

This employee’s original letter was addressed and delivered to Tax Assessor Edye McCarthy and carbon copied to the Union President and most importantly Mr Feiner. ABG's understanding is that Mr Feiner, nor the union, took any action to address these racist remarks then or now. This speaks volumes of the duplicity, favoritism and disparate treatment of the “chosen” people within the Feiner administration and the rest of us. ABG has had conversations from others speaking about various wrongdoings within the Town.

One question that has been raised by many is why isn't the Journal News or any of the weekly newspapers pursuing this racism in Town Hall under Mr Feiner? They chose to ignore Mr Feiner’s bad behavior, condoning racism, and then create a series of stories about intolerance in Mahopac! The Journal News is also the first place many will go to champion separatism, under the guise of individuality, segregation, under the guise of cultural heritage, and uniqueness under the guise of personality. Do you recall the 1960’s when the mantras of the times were “give peace a chance”, “love is the answer”, “power to the people”, and “don’t trust anyone over 30”?

The 1960’s and 1970’s were a time of joining together and fostering a “oneness” with all people. Yes, there were problems .There was also disdain for those who would act prejudiciously towards others as the generations then sought to better our circumstances. New and sometimes radical ideas of equal pay for equal work, affirmative action to right the wrongs of the past, tests for civil service positions to remove nepotism and favoritism with job appointments were the talk of the decade. Great strides were being made as our society moved to better ourselves. The anti-war movement begot the environmental cries to “save the planet” and healing in our country between races, religions, gay/straight, and so on finally seemed on the mend. Schools were now teaching that we were all “one”. So what happened?

One thing that was mentioned was our eagerness to hyphenate into groups, losing the uniqueness we enjoy by being Americans – and to a degree, political members within the Greenburgh communities became more divisive and isolated than ever before. Theodore Roosevelt’s speech on hyphenated Americans rings true in some depth of what is going on in these times. We refer to his speech* tendered on May 31, 1916 in St Louis as it related to fighting abroad in other countries and allegiances to the United States. While the model was used toward countries that were escalating toward the first World War, we can see a parallel to what is going on today.

Mr Feiner goes out of his way to deflect attention from his own bad behavior toward others. He’s manufactured issues by writing incendiary op-ed pieces about closing Indian Point without  suggesting alternatives. He went after a fire chief who said something derogatory about him years ago and apologized continually utilizes Greenburgh Town Hall as his personal bully pulpit without paying the costs associated with keeping it open or staffing it to foster, some say fester, unworkable proposals such as a High Line Park. And when questioned about rising Town expenses by concerned and tax weary residents, he ignores them. At meetings he simply looks down and plays with his phone.

It was he who created a fervor over keeping the old Tappan Zee Bridge “up” as a high-line style park, a la NY city’s own, completely different and easily maintainable high-line park. He lost traction with that hype once Governor Cuomo put his foot down and said, “No!” He conveniently “forgot” how he had earlier decried the need to replace the aged bridge because needed maintenance was too costly and the bridge was unsafe and could collapse at almost anytime. Not true. His administration is filled with experts; he with nuclear power and bridge construction and Town Attorney Tim Lewis with Hazardous Materials contamination and remediation.

When the WestHelp debacle began, it was he who decided to make illegal payments to the Valhalla School District, condoned by his Town Board. Town residents questioned Mr Feiner as to why even make those payments? He simply whipped out his cell phone, looked down and ignored those questioning his motivation and illegal behavior. It was he who decided to violate the WestHelp contract with the County. He decided to toss away $1.2 million per year, forcing Town residents to make up the difference. In the Fortress Bible Church case, even a Federal judge found his actions illegal, finding him guilty of discrimination, lying under oath, destroying evidence and more! That episode ended up costing the Unincorporated taxpayers $5.5 million ($6.5 million in total)!

It was Mr Feiner who insisted on eliminating the after school homework assistance program for the costlier and instituting the supposedly “better” Xposure program and then told Commissioner Carter he needed to raise income at the Center. Homework assistance ceased as did use of the Theodore Young Community Center while the Xposure program was running, effectively shutting the center down to the non-participating Xposure members of the community. This list is endless.

Of course, we haven’t mentioned all of the bad and illegal decisions Mr Feiner has made to cost us income. The list continues to grow as we witness more and more of his costly and disrespectful actions toward Greenburgh taxpayers. It must stop. Only then can we have A Better Greenburgh.

*Access President Roosevelt's speech here:

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