Thursday, August 14, 2014

Greenburgh Isn't Russia?

A recent article in the New York Times described a fuel shortage is happening in North Korea. Apparently, they are suffering from a burgeoning class of new drivers, elevated from mere bicycles, which had been a staple of transportation for many years, to motorbikes of all sizes and styles. Compared to North Korea, South Korea is light years (pun intended) ahead of them. In fact, looking at the two Koreas via satellite, separated by the infamous "39th parallel", the stark differences between the two countries are readily obvious. In fact, above the 39th parallel, the north is mostly dark at night and the south is well-lit, unmistakenly enjoying their "bout" with capitalism.

While the north cracks down on this somewhat important status symbol of private motorcycle usage to conserve fuel, military and government officials are free to enjoy its usage at will. As government, even communist government is wont to do, it appears the average person suffers the most. These new restrictions, similar to what had taken place previously and not really "new" to anyone with half a memory of the Cold War, highlight their stunted economy and further highlights the pitfalls of government control.

One workaround for those who use their motorcycles, motorized bikes, and scooters for deliveries is to utilize the political bosses as "passengers". Hired to be passengers, allowing the purchase of fuel by the otherwise non-qualifying owner, it's a crafty, gray market-ish economy that has the politicos looking the other way. That is, unless they need fuel, at which point the North Korean Police will stop bikers to extort their fuel while pocketing extra cash.

In Russia, embargos and sanctions from around the world are beginning to be felt by their proletariat, or average person, who was already used to waiting on line for basic items and then some. I'm sure when Vladimir Putin needs a "joy roll", there's plenty waiting for him in the bathroom vanity wherever he choses to "cop a squat." His body guards must finally be happy there's an unintented benefit to putting up with all of his crappola. Who knows, there might even be a waiting list to get on his security detail just for the access to the essentials. Regardless of the select few with unfettered access, there's now a "Buy Russian" campaign for everyone else. ABG is sure many will be harkening back to the Cold War days when plentiful was not something for many in the eastern block. We even have the same thing going on with the New York State’s Empire Zone (EZ) program provides a variety of tax incentives to businesses expanding and creating jobs in targeted areas (known as Empire Zones) throughout New York State.

Our point in discussing this and specifically to government control over anything is how it relates to the average person, not the political elite. In the Town of Greenburgh, Mr Feiner and his Town Board pretty much pull all the strings, apply the grease to the wheels they want to see turn or keep the developers' motors running on all cylinders without regard to what the neighborhoods want. In the meantime, taxpaying residents must spend close to a year just trying to get approvals, permits, etc., to make small to medium changes to the homes they own and pay taxes on. Then their work process is drawn out awaiting approvals from the appropriate division (i.e. plumbing, electrical) within the building department. Its so bad for residents that many contractors refuse to do work in the Town, adding to an escalating cost and frustration for those who persevere. When questioned about this Mr Feiner falls back to his old standby claiming that residents are the perpetrators of bid rigging in the Town. When pushed and asked how residents could do this, he changes the subject, just doesn't answer or rambles on until you forget what the topic even was. he's quite adept at it.

For those who are enamored with our new healthcare system forced upon us by the President and a complicit Congress, we suggest watching what happens around us to see what's in store. One example that always comes to mind in the Veterans Administration that maintains hospitals, health care, and aid for our military veterans and how well the government doesn't do with it. We are constantly hearing of nightmare scenarios playing out for this relatively small portion of our population. Sadly, this is a microcosm of what we have decided to do to our health care system. Still not convinced?

The government runs many programs, most of which typically operate in the red. The Post Office, which was "privatized" in the 1980's, is an abject failure of glaring proportions. So much so that last year there was talk of them going "belly up". Why wouldn't they try to learn from FedEx before they imploded? We're not saying the people are bad, but there is no incentive to improve the service or process once you don the light blue shirt. How many times have you waiting on line to purchase stamps or ship something thinking, "Why is this taking so long? They're only selling stamps for crying out loud."

ABG staffers were in our lobby when the mail carriers arrived with the day's delivery. They opened the doors to the mailbox banks and proceeded to divvy out the mail. Upon finishing, they locked it all up and proceeded to leave without emptying the outgoing mail slot/box. Once might certainly be a coincidence - it happens. A quick query to the front desk personnel verified that not only is it a common occurrence, but they have to request the special key the building owns to open the mailbox!

Social Security, along with the infamous lock box that Vice President Al Gore promised us as the panacea to soothe our aging seniors trepidations as they got close to retirement. While the conversational box may have had a lock, its been raided yearly by politicians on both sides of the isle. And how about the classic example of the infamous Motor Vehicle Department and its lack of efficiency? Have you ever gone just to get an e-z pass? Its amazing the paperwork and identification you need to participate. Any of these agencies require it but some politicians want to allow illegal aliens the ability to vote, drive a motor vehicle, get DSS benefits and so on. Its out of control.

The Town of Greenburgh has a lot of issues. Some of them are important ones although not to the same scale as the federal government. Mr Feiner has made Greenburgh a "Sanctuary Town", meaning our police and fire personnel are not allowed to report multiple dwellers in single family homes, increase water usage, garbage and trash pickup, police services and more. He's turning our once vibrant Town into a mini third-world nation where rules and laws mean nothing to the chosen few. For real change to happen, the uninformed, willfully ignorant and apathetic resident must begin paying attention, attend meetings and be vociferous. The time is now! Only then will we see A Better Greenburgh.

1 comment:

  1. It is a sanctuary if you work in the public sector. The homeowners are in debtors prison.
