Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Comprehensive Plan Meeting to Kick Off 1st Discussion

The Town’s first offering for the proposed Comprehensive Plan for how the Town should look and develop for the near and distant future has been posted and available for residents to review for a short period of time now. Tonight will be the first meeting for the public to voice their opinion about the proposed plan. We urge all residents to read this plan – you’ll be in for an eye-opening experience! 

A link to review this plan is:

We’ve posted before of Mr Feiner, the Town Board, and others having taken to spot-zoning throughout the Town to benefit their developer friends. So far, the public has not been able to deter them, just occasionally slow them down. This Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan), if and when it is adopted, should slow them down. We’re also cognizant of the fact that Mr Feiner usually comes up with his own schemes and ways around legal challenges he doesn’t like or that will slow his agenda. ABG is convinced that this is why he has thrown so many roadblocks in the way of the Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee during their several years of existence.

There are many sections that go way beyond what many of us wish for the Town. While we acknowledge the amount of work invested in developing this plan, and it is not yet the final document, this promises to fundamentally change the look and feel of our Town. Our staff has been reviewing different sections of the draft plan are disappointed that there are so many inaccuracies and non-factual pieces of information included in it! This document, if adopted will “validate” this bad information. 

This proposal also seems to maintain and promote a political agenda, biased by and dominated by espousing information purported by many politically active groups, such as the global warming enthusiasts. While the information put forth may be documented, the “other side” is not included. ABG believes we all need to be aware of our environmental footprint, but this document’s first few chapters expound the global, federal and state usages of energy, policies, and goals etc., as if the Town’s participation will control the balance of nature. Again, we all need to be aware of our environmental footprint. But including this one-sided information in this document, unfortunately, devalues and diminishes the otherwise pertinent and good information addressed in it.

Another sizable aspect of this proposed Comp Plan is the urbanization and urban sprawl that will be inflicted throughout the Town if this plan is adopted. ABG believes change can be good if it is applicable to everyone and every neighborhood. Mr Feiner has effectively changed the Fairview section of the Town with the “ghettoization” of it, concentrating those with low income, subsidized housing, DSS, and so on while sparing other areas of the Town to ensure repeated votes every two years. If this plan is to work, it must be even-handedly applied throughout the Town. It appears to be nothing more than another version, albeit a formal one, of Mr Feiner’s spot zoning. Need to be convinced? Read Chapter 12.

It is imperative that everyone to go to the link above and read this Comp Plan, make notes and bring your feedback to the Committee at one of these meetings. If you cannot attend the meetings, you can email them your concerns: planzone@GreenburghNY.com. It’s the only way to keep from having changes we don’t want thrust upon us. Without your input, Greenburgh will change into something you may not want! Please participate. Only then can we have A Better Greenburgh.

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