Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feiner Lies About Fairview Fire Department

As could be expected, Mr Feiner sent out an email blast from his personal email list – oh wait, it’s the Towns email list. No matter, its used by him as his own. He sent out the blast stating the Fairview Fire Department is creating a $160,000 position and how they shouldn’t do it, it will affect the 2% tax cap and more. He also asked residents to attend the Commissioners meeting this Thursday night.

Here’s what he said (Mr Feiner’s comments in black; ABG’s in blue:

The Fairview Fire district Board of Commissioners is proceeding with plans to approve a new position that will cost taxpayers at least $160,000 a year. The position: Executive Deputy Fire Chief. The position never existed before. Some residents have contacted me and  have asked me to encourage residents of the Fairview Fire district to attend the next meeting of the Fire District: THIS THURSDAY February 13 at 7:30 PM--- 19 Rosemont Blvd.  It is possible that the Fairview Fire District Board of Commissioners could finalize their decision to fund this position this Thursday night and to hire someone. They had previously indicated that they would create the position.
This is simply another lie from Mr Feiner! The position has always existed and is not new. It has simply not been filled. If you understand the hierarchy within our paid fire department, you have (working upwards) firefighters, captains, deputy chiefs, one executive deputy chief and the chief. Not all paid fire departments mirror ours and may have other levels, such as lieutenants. For instance, in the Scarsdale Fire Department, they don’t have deputy chiefs, but simply have captains. Their function is the same firematically, but their pay is less. You could argue Scarsdale has a better financial control over their budgets with personnel. And, all of the ancillary costs that go with a captain versus a deputy chief position would be less as well.

Residents whom have contacted Mr Feiner are being lied to by him. Mr Feiner HAS NO CONTROL, INPUT or IMPACT on the fire department. Like us, he is on the outside looking in. 

You may also recall that the Fortress Bible Church refused to be coerced into donating a fire truck to the Fairview FD for approval to build on their property near Dobbs Ferry Road. Actually, its also alleged the church was refused permits and approvals to help out then County Legislator Thomas Abinanti, who lived in that neighborhood and didn’t want the church there and is a friend of Mr Feiner. He has since become a NYS Assemblyman and moved to Tarrytown, possibly to distance himself from all of this. Fortress Bible Church sued Mr Feiner, Ms Juettner and the Town for discrimination and won! Mr Feiner appealed and lost the appeal. They were found guilty on seven counts, including lying under oath, destroying evidence and well, you get the idea.

The Fairview Fire district is totally independent of the Town of Greenburgh.  Commissioners are elected to their positions (elections are held in December) and commission meetings are not televised.  Very little scrutiny by the public.  Some people incorrectly think that the Fire district tax is part of the town taxes. The fire district tax bill is included in the town tax bill--the town acts as a collection agent. It's interesting -- most people now pay almost the same for fire district taxes as they do for town municipal services even though the town offers many different services.
The Fairview Fire District is a separate taxing district that does NOT fall under the auspices of the Town – at all! They operate independently from the Town and are funded solely by taxing us independent from the Town taxes. They receive no money from the Town whatsoever! What they do receive from the Town are fire truck donations from developers when Mr Feiner informs them that to get approval for a project, they must donate a truck to the Fairview FD. 

As for scrutiny, look at the pot calling the kettle black! While the Town taxes may equal the fire district taxes, the Town taxes also provide a police department, garbage and trash removal and highway services (snow removal, water supply). If an argument can be made for a disparity in a tit-for-tat exchange between taxing entities, it apparently doesn’t matter to voters as they just keep going along with it by voting the same people back into office.

I share the concerns people have. The position never existed. I doubt that it is needed.  The cost to the taxpayers will be enormous: over $160,000+ a year (new position).   If the position is funded it will make it more difficult for the Fairview Fire district to comply with the tax cap next year (some of the fire districts have over-ridden the tax cap in previous years).
THIS IS A LIE from Mr Feiner! THE POSITION HAS ALWAYS EXISTED but not been filled. The last time it was filled was when the current Chief Anthony LoGiudice was being “groomed” as then-Chief Robert Mauro’s replacement upon retirement. The decision to not fill the position until now was a financial one. This position is already in the budget but IS NOT a new $160k position! Deputy Chiefs in the Fairview Fire Department are union members and make $140k. The reality is that this is a $20k stipend to offset whomever gets appointed to the position due to their relinquishing of union membership and more significantly, overtime. The position is in actuality the ASSISTANT Chief’s position. In this position, the person will be required to attend more meetings, deal with personnel and confidentiality issues and will make less money than if they stayed as an acting deputy chief.

There is a proposal in Albany that will penalize communities that do not comply with the tax cap.  State lawmakers are considering a plan that will reward citizens who live in communities that comply with the tax cap with a tax credit or check from NYS. If your local government entity overrules the tax cap you will not get the tax credit from NYS or a check from the state to help reduce your property taxes. Among the proposals: Governor Andrew Cuomo's state of the state address on January 22 recommended a two year property tax freeze for homeowners if their local school districts and local governments stay under the tax levy cap for two years and share services or consolidate with other districts to save 1% of the levy a year for three years. The rebate would likely be between $150-$350 a year per household.
Governor Cuomo’s refund will be based on Town property taxes, not taxing entities who tax for their funding such as the Fire District. While ABG is not happy about the tax increases and and expenses that the Fire District is saddled with, Mr Feiner is only posturing. For all the bragging about staying under the NYS tax cap, Mr Feiner raised our taxes 3.4%, above the 2% NYS tax cap!

If the Fairview Fire district creates a new position that never existed before (and some people feel may not be needed) the tax bills of every Fairview resident will go up to pay for the costs. And, your future tax credit could be in jeopardy.
THIS IS A LIE from Mr Feiner! Again, the position has always existed but not been filled. Your tax bill will be unaffected by this change. And, your future tax credits are not in any jeopardy by the FD filling this position!

If you reside in the Fairview Fire district you should attend the meeting on Thursday, February 13 at 19 Rosemont Blvd (Fire house) at 7:30 PM.
If you can't attend the meeting you could write to the Fairview Fire Commissioners at 19 Rosemont Blvd, White Plain, NY 10602.   Ask for justification about the position.
I will be attending a meeting of other municipal officials on Thursday night and will not be at this meeting  but will be expressing my concerns about the position to the commissioners and will invite the Board to appear before a Town Board meeting to discuss ways we can all chip in and cut costs.

Yes, you should come out to these meetings. You should attend the Town Board meetings to see how poorly the decisions are coming from there.

Mr Feiner has gotten all the “play” and attention he can from this issue by sending this email out. He will not attend because he doesn’t have any control over the meeting or frankly, matter. His fire protection for his multi-million dollar home is provided by the Hastings-on-Hudson all-volunteer fire department. He is trying to create a stir over something he doesn’t pay for and has no control or involvement over. The firematic tax rate between what he pays, approximately $10 per thousand is quite a bit lower than what Fairview residents pat, about $140 per thousand.

If Mr Feiner wishes to cut costs and chip in, perhaps he can start by stepping down as Supervisor. We would save $150k per year in his salary with his $10K medical benefits buy-back for using his wife’s NYS health insurance. It would stop the $6.5 MILLION verdicts against him. It would allow us to rent the WestHelp property for $1.2 MILLION a year. Thie list of what Mr Feiner has cost us is close to $40 MILLION. His stepping down would allow a reassessment that would stop the certiorari adjustments made at every Town Board meeting. BTW, the fire district must pay back close to $1 MILLION because Mr Feiner has not done a Town-wide revaluation! If Mr Feiner steps down, then we might begin to see A Better Greenburgh!


  1. Regardless the issue is not as its laid out above. The issue is what does this position who is paid $160,000 yr actually do? For $160,000 a year I would expect this potiison to have control of our nuclear missles. Get it? Even the person in total charge of this fire district should not make that much money. That is a great deal of money. If the fire dept operated without the position filled, why is it important to fill it now? We are in troubling times fiscally and it does not matter fire dept, police dept, whatever! We do NOT have the luxury or the moeny to spend on things that may not be necessary. As stated may not affect town taxes but were still taxed seperately for the fire dept. When I bought my small 1600 sq ft home in greenburgh in 2000 my total school and town taxes including fire dept etc was $4,100 /year. They are now over $8,500 yr. OVER 207% incerase. Really and for what? School system sucks. Garbage pick up is great that's about it folks. And I pay school taxes and have no children ALL SPENDING NEEDS TO CEASE!! In addiiton this blog does exactly what Feiner does. It says fire dept does nto affect town taxes. Feiner says I have no control over schoool taxes. The point is if your a leader a real leader, you take into account ALL OF THE TX BURDENS put upon your towns people. You do nto increase twon taxes and say well schoool I cannot control. THe money all comes from the same place a tax payer. Soon greenburgh will be a waste town. Feiner's idea is industrial the entire place with busiensses etc so the town can continue running a muck on spending using business taxes. Either way people you lose. You either agree to live on concerte like NYC or continue paying these exorbitant unjustified taxes. People are flocking out of NY knwo why? One guess dummies!!! :)

    1. "The Town" is just a construct to extract money from the homeowners, as is the "Fire District" and the "Ardsley School District". They will never have enough.

  2. Fair question and I hope the answer will make sense. BTW, I'm not happy about how much we pay as well.
    1) Chief Robert Mauro was ill for some time before he officially retired and subsequently passed away. By the time our current Chief, Anthony Logiudice, was appointed, he missed the “training” period he would have had as Assistant Chief - which is what the position really is.

    The current Chief is slated to retire in a few years, I believe three. By filling the position, the Deputy Chiefs will be rotated into the Executive Deputy Chief position for a couple of months. I'm not sure how long. When the “fit” seems to work for the Chief and the Commissioners, that person will be appointed to that position with the intent that they will be the next Chief once Anthony retires.

    The Chief explained to me that because of Bob’s illness and then passing almost immediately after he retired, he had many unanswered questions regarding policy, projects that were underway, personnel issues and more. He also stated that he wished he had had the time to work with Bob before he took over. It would have made his transition much easier.

    What Anthony is trying to do now is anticipate his pending retirement and begin grooming the next person before they are down to the wire. It will make the transition easier, the new Chief more efficient, and create less bump in the road for the department overall.

    I would suggest, weather permitting, you attend the meeting and question the Commissioners as to the duties. I plan to be there to do the same. OR, feel free to call the non-emergency number and discuss this with the Chief. I'm sure he will be very forthcoming.

    If you wish to be critical of money spent that isn't necessary, I'd begin by looking at why we have a SWAT, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS and TECHNICAL RESCUE Teams. These are overtime bonanzas for career law enforcement and firefighters. Plus, the County maintains these as well and does not charge for the use of these services that are available 24-7.

    Your point if PF were a real leader is wasted breath with PF. He did this as a deflection as he tries to hide the $6.5M guilty verdict payment, the GameOn 365 debacle as well as other issues he wants to forget. He is the master at deflection and that's what this is.
    – Tom

  3. While I agree it is a good idea to have someone shadow the current Chief I find it crazy that they need to be paid an additional $20,000 for this. In the real world you work hard for a promotion doing all that you can without extra pay for doing it and then and only then are you rewarded by getting the salary increase.

  4. $160,000 plus 33% on top with benefits equals $212,00. And don't forget that when these people retire they will be collecting for the rest of their lives retirement pay anywhere from 50 percent to almost equal their final salary average (due in part to overtime for some).

  5. Salaries for firefighters, chiefs, captains, etc and for police in Westchester are excessive considering that these are cushy jobs compared to NYC where comparable positions pay less.
