Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Paul Feigns Capital Plan

The Paul’s latest stenographer, Greg Shillinglaw, recently “took a letter” from his other boss, The Paul. ABG believes he was probably guided to merely rewrite The Paul’s carefully worded press release and submit it as his own story for the Sunday edition of the newspaper. No harm, no foul, right? So while The Paul is touting his “most significant capital budget of his 20-year tenure” to the tune of $11.9M, the reality is that his budget is a large as it is due to his actions and a good number of illegal actions.

After continual prodding by the G-10 and others, The Paul has finally acquiesced and said he would have the Town perform a revaluation. The last time the Town had a revaluation was in the mid-1950’s. Once he started that mantra, his Stepford Board hopped onto the bandwagon and talked often about it. That was all they did was talk about it. The Paul claimed they were shopping for the best price, hoping to combine the cost with other communities, most notably the City of Yonkers. So even though the entire onus may not have originally been on The Paul, had he done his due diligence when he was first elected, we wouldn’t be in such a sorry state of financial straights as we now find ourselves with certiorari refunds. The Paul has been teasing us with a revaluation/reassessment for several years now. He even formed a committee. You know how that goes: form a committee to make sure nothing happens. As long as we‘re at it, let’s appoint convicted felon Alan Hochberg to head it. So with all of The Paul’s talk of “price-fishing”, Yonkers went ahead without us, Bronxville has completed theirs and Scarsdale is wrapping their revaluations up. Once again, The Paul is all talk, no action.

In a different press release, The Paul obviously bypassed the Town’s accounting department and began advertising the Town could save $4+M over twenty years by spending a small fortune in LED light bulbs for Town light fixtures. Forget that his math was fuzzy by about half the actual amount we might save. Forget that disposing of currently working light bulbs that have already been paid for makes no economic sense. Forget that he felt the inflated savings warranted a major press release and got his news media surrogates to go along with him. Slow news day perhaps? Nope! When The Paul speaks, they are obliged to regurgitate it. Curiously, why didn’t they challenge his incorrect numbers before printing the press release? More importantly, why is Shillinglaw just going along with whatever The Paul spews?

Continuing, the article quotes The Paul saying, “These are major policy issues – not just infrastructure improvements.” The Paul is right that they are policy issues. But to try to combine them even indirectly into infrastructure improvements is just wrong. The Paul has not allotted money toward any infrastructure improvements during most of his tenure as Supervisor. And spending $500k to save $300k is merely reckless wasting of Town resources and money. What he should be doing is replacing existing light bulbs and light fixtures to newer LED ones only when the old bulbs or fixtures fail and as necessary. Otherwise, this is simply a campaign stunt.

The Paul claims to be losing money with the existing installed water meters and has championed the Town to spend (with residents ultimately reimbursing) $3.5M to replace every household and business’ water meter to a new digital, remote reading one. While technology may be great, do we really want our Town’s water meters constantly broadcasting homeowner’s information? Given that so many of us are using wireless networks in our homes and businesses, how might this open us up to a hacker? How easy might it be for a 14-year old to hack into our information? Or, how about the 30-year old professional hacker and thief? And even if they cannot break in, will it wreak havoc with our wireless networks and compromise everyones security? Who will install these new meters and does it now need a power source? There are too many unanswered questions that need to be answered before we proceed.

A while back, 19 laptops were stolen from the Theodore Young Community Center. The police refused to question everybody and the culprits were never apprehended. Nor were the computers recovered. To improve security at the TYCC, The Paul is proposing spending $25k to beef up the security system. Forget that we are closing the barn door after the laptops were taken. But, with every other possible expenditure in the budget, this was what The Paul chose to focus upon? This is what Shillinglaw chose to let The Paul focus on as well! This is nother less than an abdication of responsibility on the part of both of them. We expect this kind of chicanery from The Paul. Since the editors at the Journal News allow Shillinglaw to publish this as news, its apparent they condone the lack of journalism emanating from their new offices of the Journal News. It’s time for their reporters and our politicians to be held to a higher standard and stop allowing this lazy effort to be considered reporting. We can only hope.

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