Saturday, November 3, 2012

Proposition #1: Residents Explain Why They’re Voting NO

In a phony effort to espouse “full disclosure” and a sudden concern for the residents of the Town, The Paul concocted a proposition vote for the GameOn 365 proposal. Numerous residents have repeatedly voiced opposition against this project. They have cited numerous legal violations, questionable moral and ethical choices that The Paul and his Board have made regarding this project. ABG has posted previously about this.

Several residents made a video explaining why they are against the Proposal and will vote NO! Many who are against the proposal have openly stated a sports bubble may be a good thing to have, but since there have been so many missteps along the way, they are voting against it in hopes of having the property properly cleaned to correct environmental standards, sold according to law and generate yearly tax income for future generations.

Here is the video the concerned Greenburgh residents made. If you cannot play the imbedded version here, you can view it on YouTube directly at:

ABG urges everyone to vote NO for Town of Greenburgh Proposition #1.


  1. This was a great exposition on the issues concerning Prop 1. We can't afford to keep making these kind of stupid financial decisions in Greenburgh if we hope to move forward to a better future. Folks open your eyes and lets all look for something better then this. I am sure that you have heard of the expression "beggars can't be choosers." We are not beggars! Let's be choosers.

  2. My husband and I are glad A Better Greenburgh website is out there and furnishing us with the information the regular media won't report. Paul Feiner needs to be impeached! Keep up the good work!
