Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Flawed Referendum Designed To Benefit GameOn 365

ABG has been in the forefront about the subterfuge taken by The Paul and his Stepford Board regarding the wholesale gifting of the property at 715 Dobbs Ferry Road, the old Frank’s Nursery location.  In a political move to be rivaled by lesser politicians, The Paul decided to put the decision to the people. Well, not really. First, he had his Stepford’s vote in favor of the contract with GameOn 365 so GameOn 365’s principals could actively pursue investors for their temporary, 15-year, 8-story sports bubble on what has now reverted back to residential property.

Here’s a copy of the referendum we received from the Town:

¨Shall a unanimously approved Town Board resolution authorizing the town to enter into a lease with Game On 365 for the construction of a sports bubble and accessories to operate a private multi-purpose, year round sports facility with access for children, adults and seniors; working closely with both town Departments of Parks & Recreation and Community Resources at the Theodore D. Young Community Center, when needed as space and schedules allow; to be located at 715 Dobbs Ferry Road, Town of Greenburgh; generating over a fifteen year period, a minimum of five million dollars in property taxes and revenue; providing for a one-time payment of up to one hundred twenty five thousand dollars for an environmental study and cleanup, be approved?¨

ABG has numerous points with the way this is written as it is vague and misleading as it stands. ABG is sure that’s intentional and is reasonably sure members of the G8 will have more issues with it.

1) Councilman Jones was absent for this “unanimous” vote. So while technically correct, we had heard he was not in favor if it and might have actually voted to not enter into the agreement. Could we also presume that his absence was intentional to not have to vote and earn a demerit with The Paul?

2) It says, “access for children, adults and seniors”. Who’s left after adults, children and this extraneous group, seniors? Are seniors not adults? Does this leave the door open for The Paul to create another dog park? Of course they will have access, but they will be forced to pay a membership fee to participate to use the facility when they wish to or subjugated to the sidelines until convenient to GameOn 365 referees? 

3) Next is, “working closely with both town Departments of Parks & Recreation and Community Resources at the Theodore D. Young Community Center, when needed as space and schedules allow”. How close? This says the Recreation department and the TYC can call and request use a field or space like everyone else, but are on the outside looking in even after Gerry Byrne, one of the two Recreation Commissioners, endorsed the bubble for them. As a for-profit business, we anticipate little space with reasonable times ever being available for Town residents, who already pay recreation taxes and fees to the Town. Incidentally, if Gerry Byrne, felt a soccer or any other field was needed, why didn’t he actively pursue getting this property developed as a Town field? 

4) As for, “generating over a fifteen year period, a minimum of five million dollars in property taxes and revenue”, these are made-up numbers by The Paul with no facts or substantive numbers to back this off-the-cuff statement. The fifteen year aspect of this bubble is very dubious as a “temporary” structure. Temporary is usually considered for structures such as this when you might be installing a bubble to accommodate an outdoor event that is too costly to leave to chance that the weather might cooperate, like an outdoor wedding or Bar Mitzvah. This is not a temporary structure simply because it is a bubble material. And, Town Assessor McCarthy also said the $60k figure The Paul keeps using for taxes is not accurate. How can we believe any of them?

5) Finally, although by no means really finished, is, “providing for a one-time payment of up to one hundred twenty five thousand dollars for an environmental study and cleanup”. This sounds impressive but the devil is in the details. They principals and investors may be promising to put forth $125k. But, if the cost for cleanup for the property exceeds a certain amount, which in spite of Tim “Remediation” Lewis’ predictions, they can walk away without losing anything and in fact be reimbursed for any money they did outlay. 

The bottom line with this referendum trickery is that The Paul understands politics and knows there is a contingency of people whom will vote for any project on the ballot - thinking it must be good for the Town. This is one time it’s not! There is another problem here either way. If the referendum passes The Paul will rejoice, sing hallelujah, the people have spoken. If it gets voted down, he’s simple say too bad so sad, we already signed a contract. 

Just because it’s another of The Paul’s seemingly done-deals, don’t believe it has to be so. Greenburgh deserves better than these types of games, slights of hand as well as underhanded trickery of giving away our Town parcel by parcel to developers and investors. It needs to change! The residents of Greenburgh must change and stop ignoring what’s been going on for too long. We can only hope.

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