Sunday, September 25, 2011

590 Apartments - Really? Paul, Tell The Truth

ABG just received a copy of a letter mailed to the Fulton Park neighborhood from the Office of The Supervisor with the headline, “Fulton Gardens Apartments Would Like To Rezone Their Property...To Build 590 Apartments. My Concerns - Flooding and Displacement of Residents.” Part of the title of his letter is an outright lie! ABG watched the work session and the attorney for the Fulton Gardens Apartments (FGA) clearly stated their goal and reasoning for requesting the zoning change: an increase of two to three stories per building.  And, he specifically stated they were not looking to build 590 units. The Paul deflects.

Francis “In Paul’s Back Pocket” Sheehan stated the FGA zoning change from M22 to M174 would allow the property over 590 additional apartments on that property if approved. The Paul asked what would happen with the existing residents and displacement? The attorney stated there are some rent-controlled apartments, which would be maintained. Relocation of the residents to other apartments would be offered, until completion, when they would return to their original or new apartment. Interestingly, this same zoning change, not endorsed, recommended or approved by the Towns Zoning and Planning Boards for Westhab, and was not an issue for The Paul - he and the Board didn’t care and changed the zoning!

Soon after Westhab lost their funding, Deli Delicious’ owner Ernest Tartaglione requested numerous zoning variances to add a drive-through window to his deli, claiming he’s hemorrhaging $4k a month and the $100k in construction costs would resuscitate his business, which he intended to give to his son. It would take two and a half years just to pay that off, let alone show a profit. ABG was also told that Tartaglione’s son does not want the deli. But that’s an issue for them to work out.

Two Zoning Board rejections, Planning Board rejections and an Appeals Court rejection for Tartaglione caused him to board up the deli and spray paint the word ‘closed’ on it. We believe this to be a hoax. He’s in violation of the Town signage laws and The Paul does nothing to have him take it down. This shows just how little both the Supervisor and Tartaglione think of the Fulton Park neighborhood. Residents informed ABG that Tartaglione’s still using the facility, boarded up, only without an open-to-the-public deli. We decided to check it out ourselves and sat in the Staples parking lot on different days. Sure enough, he and others were seen entering and exiting. It appears he’s scheming again.

On September 22, Feiner sent an email with another request from Tartaglione stating, “I have interest from a bank to rent the deli, however the real estate agent tells me they will only take it if they can get a drive thru window. Please get back to me and let me know what you think. Is this something the neighborhood would be interested in, or allow?” Feiner wants to know if the neighborhood would be in favor of this?

Banks don’t normally look to rent deli’s. Tartaglione may have gone to a bank to get a loan with his now ‘closed’ deli as the collateral and the bank refused. After all, the deli is worth little if it’s not operating. The loan may have simply been to construct the window. Who knows?Unfortunately, this sounds like another ploy for him to get his drive through window. Then there’s the part about the real estate agent saying this will only happen with a drive through window. Again, it sounds like a feeble attempt by Tartaglione to get his approval some other way. Different neighbors have said he wants the drive through window not to increase business, but to flip the building to a Dunkin’ Donuts-like or Burger King Express-like outfit. The current deli with a drive through window would be worth more in the sale and be grandfathered in for the new tenant to use.

ABG wonders if the neighborhood might have been amenable to some portion of this if Tartaglione hadn’t been insulting and rude to the neighborhood members at the various hearings or in the neighborhood, such as when he refused to allow several long-time residents/customers entry to his store. He had sent landscaping floral arrangements to several area residents to soften them up to his construction project. He had Chuck Pateman, his ‘representative and contractor’ make calls to neighbors asking for their support. ABG was told if he hadn’t been making deals with Westhab while purporting to be on the neighborhood’s side, hadn’t had The Paul writing articles regularly for him touting the need for this, there might have been a different outcome for him. It sounds like that ship has sailed for the deli down the Old Kensico River.

At this point, ABG wonders if he should even bother? ABG has commented before that Feiner and his Board have dumped on this neighborhood long enough. At one point we’re told by Civic Association members that Tartaglione had been a good neighbor. Lately, he’s proven to not be too concerned with his neighbors. The Paul stated at the last Town Board Musical and Awards Showcase, and the last work session, that he wants to prove to Fulton Park residents he’s committed to improving things on Old Kensico Road. The first step is for The Paul to have the building department cite Tartaglione for illegal signage and have it removed. Then The Paul needs to stop his open campaign for Tartaglione. Most importantly, the Town Board should eliminate the M174 zoning for that area and restore it to the previous zoning. Finally, a reduction in the size and scope of any project in the neighborhood must be mandated. Even better would be a town-wide moratorium on all construction until the comprehensive plan is adopted and more importantly a flood control plan developed!

Time will tell. Perhaps the neighborhood will be more forgiving than we will.  

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