Saturday, August 13, 2022

Town Board Appoints New Police Chief

The Greenburgh Town Board unanimously voted to appoint  GPD Captain Kobie Powell to assume the critical position of Chief of Police of the Greenburgh Police Department. Chief Powell enjoys an extremely close bond and long history with Greenburgh, as he resides in Greenburgh, was raised in our Town, educated within the Greenburgh School System, and has worked tirelessly for our community for the entirety of his life.  

Chief Powell’s story of “ascending through the ranks,” during his nearly 25-year tenure with the GPD, to ultimately oversee our PD, staffed by 115 sworn officers and 42 civilian members and with an annual budget of $25.5 million, reflects our new Chief’s perseverance and his dedication to Greenburgh and its residents. Chief Powell’s drive and commitment to law enforcement and personal/professional excellence has been the hallmark of his success.

Chief Powell enjoys strong educational and employment credentials. He has earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Mercy College, Summa Cum Laude, and served honorably on the GPD for nearly 25 years, in nearly every line and supervisory position:

Police Officer, Patrol Sergeant, Detective Sergeant, Police Lieutenant-Commanding Officer Special Investigation Unit, Police Captain-Commanding Officer Professional Standards Division.

It is important and significant to state that Chief Powell will be the first African American person chosen to serve in the role of Greenburgh Chief of Police, as he was the first to serve as a Captain within its ranks.

Chief Powell will replace former Chief, Chris McNerney who resigned to become the Police Chief of Larchmont, and Interim Chief George Longworth, former Police Chief of Dobbs Ferry and Westchester County Commissioner of Public Safety , who graciously took a leave from his position in a prestigious law firm to oversee our force until the rigorous Civil Service procedure for the hiring of a new Chief could be concluded. We are grateful to both Chiefs McNerney and Longworth for their service and commitment to the safety of our residents.

Chief Powell will assume the position on August 22, 2022.  There will be a formal ceremony at our September 14, 2022 Town Board meeting.