A Message to All:
The Council of Greenburgh Civic Associations (CGCA) Executive Board is providing you information documenting the kWh cost for electric supply paid for the last eighteen (18) billing cycles by those who “Opted Out” of the contract with the ESCO Constellation in which the Town Board enrolled almost 12,000 residential and small business owners.
As the below table shows, the latest cost (mainly for the very warm month of July) was 5.9 cents per kWh to five households that “Opted Out” versus the 7.709 cents per kWh that those still in the ESCO are paying. Air conditioners use a considerable amount of electricity, and this mere 1.8 cents per kWh cost difference has added up to a substantial sum of money saved for the month of July.
The current two-year contract expires in December. At the August 11, 2020 Town Board work session, Dan Welsh from Westchester Power discussed a meeting he held earlier that day with about 20 participating municipalities regarding a new contract to purchase electricity from an ESCO. The decision was made to go out to bid once again for a “fixed rate” contract with a starting price of 7.65 cents per kWh. That is a bit less expensive than the current contract. At the meeting Supervisor Feiner mentioned the CGCA opposes the current “Opt Out” provision. Mr. Welsh noted an “Opt In” option wouldn’t work and recommended that going “green” solves a lot of problems. Although the cost would be a couple of dollars more each month to each resident, the green option addresses climate change, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental injustice. Mr. Welsh noted low income residents could receive savings through the Community Solar program.
Stay tuned for what the Town Board decides.
Stay safe and well.
Ella Preiser, CGCA Secretary