Hello Ms. Darden-Cintron and fellow Board members,
I am writing to express my concerns with the proposed budget and increases. With the fiscal stress and insecurity many are experiencing due to this unforeseen Coronavirus, it is imperative that the entire Board (and the Administration that answers to you), begin reducing it’s budget to ensure that all of our kid's education, while truncated in these unique times, continues.
The district should implement cutting the swollen budget by scaling down through attrition. It’s becoming apparent that trying to sustain the $73 million expense to educate fewer than 1,600 K-12 students is unrealistic, unprofitable and financially impossible. Like so many businesses and even the Greenburgh Town Board, the district should hold interactive Zoom meetings. (If not Zoom, then Skype or GoToMeeting, etc).
The budget that was presented on February 27th called for a budget increase of 3.96% ($2,801,301). Funding this amount calls for a 4.25% tax increase. This Board has proven time and again that it does not respect the mandates and wishes of the community, doing as it pleases. The Board seems to be proving that again with this proposed budget.
The Board needs to come to the realization that there's plenty of non-essential spending that can be eliminated or postponed, and thereby reduce the impact to our communities. This is the perfect time to perform a line by line review of expenses to see what can be cut. I found it astonishing that the Administrative staff was relocated to the High School on the whim of the Superintendent for a cost of $300k (approx), yet could not find this same money for needed repairs. This district had opportunities to work on the mansion, but preferred to allow its buildings to degrade. It’s time for this Board and administration to get back on track!
Now that many Greenburgh residents are being pushed out of work and are facing an April tax bill, this Board needs to take positive action and prove to the citizenry that you are able to put our money to optimum use. You should reverse any plans to exacerbate the difficulties we are currently facing by eliminating any budget increases!
I implore you to do the right thing and we will continue to support you and your efforts when you do.