Saturday, August 4, 2012

Circling The Wagons With Lies

The Paul loves the media. The media loves The Paul. It’s one big happy kumbaya moment after another followed by an equally ersatz group hug. Unfortunately, they never question, challenge or investigate what he says and just publish his press releases or speeches unencumbered with facts, figures or real information. If they had followed through just a bit, they would have known what he said about Thursday night’s vote was a lie!

When asked about the vote the Town Board needed to make, a) to keep their positions; and b) endorsing and entering into a contract with GameOn 365, The Paul lied and said the vote would be taking place on Thursday night, at 10PM at Town Hall. Okay, “a) to keep their positions” was not officially on the agenda. When an ABG staffer arrived, she could see there were three people in the lobby, Town Planning Commissioner Thomas Madden, two others and a man having just exited. When she asked him as she was walking up the sidewalk if they were in a back room as the meeting room wasn’t fully lit and appeared empty, he said that Madden stated they were in executive session. For the uninitiated, executive session is where the Board goes to avoid the public with sticky, thorny and/or unpopular positions The Paul has taken and mandated to his Stepford Board. Usually, these go against the public will and the well-being of the Town. Most significant was The Paul going unchallenged by the media that the Board was taking a vote on Thursday night. If they were voting on the GameOn 365 proposal, it must be publicly posted and done in a public forum! As an aside our staffer didn’t bother entering, stating she was not in the mood to wait it out, which was at about 1:30AM.

This is the type of “open government” touted by The Paul. Because of this faux-openness,  the media adores him. Gannett, who brings you the Journal News,, and now the vis-à-vis the, all currently serve as The Paul’s media machine and press release portal with a hands-off, see-no-evil approach. They endorse any hare-brained idea that he regurgitates regardless of how much content is fiction. Fortunately for the residents, not everyone buys his carefully crafted hapless persona and requisite stupidity, hook, line and sinker. 

The Paul is happy to postpone the GameOn 365 vote yet again, claiming it will show the public that he and his Stepford’s aren’t rushing into a deal with GameOn 365. The reality of it is, he and his Stepford’s are trying to anticipate the impending lawsuits against them once they sign the contract and how it will affect them, along with any new ideas rookie Councilman Ken Jones may offer. After five postponements, something is definitely askew in The Paul’s plans. By now, he would have typically endorsed, voted approval, waived zoning restrictions and released press announcements, etc., all while claiming how this one deal is paying down Greenburgh’s debt and he’s ready to move on to his next big “whatever”! 

The Paul has announced that The Board will hold a vote on the lease on Aug. 13 at 7 p.m. at Greenburgh Town Hall. This is when the contract will go through as there will not be any more changes made – The Paul has pledged this deal will save the Town, lower taxes and reinvent canned food. More likely, The Paul has pledged this property to GameOn 365 and is getting pressure from them to deliver. While The Paul has said the finalized lease would be available for public review before the vote, it undoubtedly doesn’t matter. Contaminated land or not, undervalued rent or not, too long a contract or not, $5k a year in rent or not, The Paul is circling the wagons with lies. Because he wants this terrible deal whether we agree to it or not means we will get it. This proposal should not be done anytime soon and especially by August 13th. It certainly needs more work by qualified people before anybody signs anything. This is just one of the sad states of affairs for Greenburgh. Can this be rescued before it is too late? We can only hope.

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